2021-22 - I. University Revenue and Expenses

Table I1: Revenue for the Fiscal Year ending April 30, 2021

Source: COU. COFO-UO Financial Report

  1. COFO data is updated annually in January/February, so the data presented here is not necessarily the latest data available. For the most recent COFO data please go to http://cou.on.ca/cofo
  2. York University Financial Statements: http://www.yorku.ca/finance/statements.htm

I2: Expenses for the Fiscal Year Ended April 30, 2021
Source: COU. COFO-UO Financial Report

  1. COFO data is updated annually in January/February, so the data presented here is not necessarily the latest data available. For the most recent COFO data please go to http://cou.on.ca/cofo
  2. York University Financial Statements: http://www.yorku.ca/finance/statements.htm